
How to use PLR successfully

The ultimate guide to using PLR

Are you wondering how to use  PLR successfully? 

You may be a blogger, an affiliate, or a product creator and you want to know the best ways to monetize PLR.

On a more personal level, I wanted this post as a permanent reference point for me as it's something you must know, no matter what niche you're in. 

You may not be sure of exactly what it is and there are differences in PLR licenses.

When you purchase PLR, the original creator gives you permission to modify or sell the content or product as if it's your own product.

You claim authorship of the PLR, unlike RR and MRR where you are not allowed to modify content or claim authorship.

 Private label content comes in many different forms. such as eBooks, reports, and articles, to complete “business in a box” packages that include sales pages, articles, reports, banners,  lead magnets, and other backend products.

PLR is much cheaper than hiring expensive writers in your niche so it is a great option for you.

I am an affiliate for some products on this page and therefore will benefit financially if you decide to buy through my link. This is at no additional cost to you. I only recommend products that I have faith in. 

Table of content for post How to use PLR successfully

How to use PLR successfully? The A-Z of PLR

Limitations of PLR content

You need to check if the content you have purchased has limitations to its use.

The three different types of PLR licenses are:

  • Personal PLR-you can sell it but you cannot give permission to others to sell it.
  • Transferable PLR-you give permission for others to use it as PLR to sell
  • Unrestricted PLR-no restrictions on the PLR and it may even be given away for free.

Which PLR is best to use?

If you are looking at selling PLR, then the best option is to go for the limited use PLR as it is limited in how many people may buy it and therefore of greater value.

 It has less competition, is not freely available online, and is not allowed to be given away for free.

The exceptions to this are the Lead Magnet PLR's.

If you are looking to grow your blog quickly then you can modify unrestricted PLR into quality content.

You can also share this content with your email list and drive traffic to your website.
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How to monetize your PLR 

Unrestricted PLR is the hardest to sell as it's freely available. 

However, it can be used effectively if you make an effort to write good copy. 

When I use unrestricted PLR, I  make sure I optimize my title in line with keyword searches, and I use Spin Rewriter (see below) to make sure it will not end up as a duplicate copy. 

Therefore, it is aligned with good SEO practices and Google will not do its dastardly deed on my website! 

It is useful to populate a new blog quickly, giving you more time to focus on your evergreen content, or content you want to throw yourself into writing passionately about. 

                                            You can get this PLR Bundle here.

  I have this bundle and I use it mainly as a springboard for ideas in my niches. 

If you are looking at maintaining the integrity of the product, control your competition while providing high-value information, look for non-transferable PLR.

*This is a more expensive alternative than unrestricted and you will most likely be targeting a narrower target audience. 

Modify content to make it unique. 

This is a 'given' as you always need to use your own voice and your readers will recognize this is your writing. 

It is important that you modify content as algorithms and sometimes manual checking will identify duplication of content and your PLR will not be accepted on various platforms, as well as Google SEO checks.

Once again, you can spin new SEO compliant articles faster with an article spinner, such as SpinRewriter. 

You can check it out below. It is renowned for being one of the best article spinners on the market. 

Rebranding means both content and graphics, so when you download an ebook cover, you need to rebrand it with the graphics and your name.  

Choose your price point. 

Sell under your own name to grow your brand otherwise, you will send them to other providers of PLR (as in MRR and RR).

Checklist of specific ways you can monetize PLR

  1. Create a Mega Pack of articles. guides, checklists etc.
  2. Sales Bonus-add it to a product but it must be related to that niche.
  3. Fiverr-become a PLR seller.
  4. Build your email list-you can offer it as a Lead magnet or have a $7 price point.
  5. Member sites have recurring monthly income rather than just a one-off purchase.  These sites must give consistent value with tips and updates or you risk losing their subscription. You can offer free content as well as products they can purchase. Use their emails to notify them of your updates.
  6. Offer a fixed term membership for a year, using sales funnels. It's a one time only fee but it is usually in a very narrow niche and offers videos, articles, reports, and ebooks.
  7. E-book store, using Woo Commerce on WordPress. Focus on a theme and narrow your target audience to have them coming back for more valuable information. Or use Amazon to build an ebook store.  
  8. Use Solo Ads and create a sales funnel. This free ebook will tell you all you need to know about creating sales funnels.
  9. Use PLR to build your website faster.
  10. Sell it to your email list. 
  11. Podcasts based on your PLR-you can submit your podcast to podcast directories.
  12. Create a training online course within a niche. Keep it to a specific area of interest. Each PLR product becomes a module and they may be tips, an ebook, or video. 
  13. Create a high-end product by purchasing from sellers who only sell a limited number of licenses. If it's a cheap price, it's not high value.
  14. Create videos and upload them to Vimeo and Youtube. Videos are of higher value to audiences so they are worth focusing on.
  15. Create a report. Submit to Medium, which has great traffic.
  16. Submit to Kindle, Amazon.

Advanced Strategies: Little-known tips used by successful PLR writers. 

 PLR secret tips-advanced strategies

If you want more information on:

-how to optimize your monetization efforts
-increase traffic to your site 
-the best PLR platforms
 -the different platforms you can sell your PLR products on
 -and great step-by-step tips on how to modify and brand your PLR content quickly using online software that will assure you of quick, google friendly, and platform friendly unique content
-you can use unrestricted PLR and make it unique

These tips are the icing on the cake and let you in on little-known tips of successful PLR spinners.

But I have more good news for you.........

What if you never had to write again but could still spurt out content regularly.
It's possible and it can fast track your blog while making money as PLR.

Do you want to produce posts and articles faster?

The software below will complement your writing efforts by helping you spin blogs and articles faster and keep it Google SEO compliant. You won't have to worry about duplicate copy again as your copy will be unique. 

Spin SEO rich content quickly and increase your traffic

For access to 1000's of PLR products, check them out at PLR Products.

PLR products

If you thought this post was of value, please like, or comment, and share. Many thanks in advance!


 Goal-oriented email templates 1,000's Of Resell Rights Products 

SEO: How to optimise your blog with SEO training

 How can I fast-track my SEO knowledge?

SEO  helps optimize your website, therefore, increasing your website ranking and a higher probability of getting seen in web searches. 

It is complex and ruled by complex algorithms. 

It ultimately helps your website get visitors once you have developed and improved your website's authority.

This means that you do not have to rely solely on paid advertising and lots of blog post promotions as Google will help you if your website aligns with good SEO practices. 

There are many things to learn about SEO and plug-ins alone do not cover all of SEO. 

I have a post on On-page SEO, The Ultimate Checklist For The Perfect Post

If you're too busy to read, then you can access a free on-page SEO checklist here.

The ultimate Checklist for the Perfect Post
The Ultimate Checklist for the Perfect Post

How do I learn about SEO?

Many bloggers learn SEO as they learn the nuances of blogging. 

They get snippets of knowledge here and there as they read other bloggers' posts or read articles from respected professionals in the field. 

But the only way to get all the information you need to optimize your blog is through proper training. 

Who to follow for SEO training:

Neil Patel is the SEO guru. 

He offers great value and insights into SEO and he has a free Keyword tool, Ubersuggest that you can use. 

The free version only allows you 3 keyword searches a day. He also has many short videos about SEO.

His monthly training and use of many tools on his site for entrepreneurs and small businesses is $29 month and upwards for larger businesses.

The original content of this blog post has been removed as the SEO course by Cyril Gupta is no longer available.

 However, this link to  8 Awesome Search Engine Optimization Methods  has the best basic information on good SEO practices and optimization for bloggers and marketers. 


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How to communicate effectively in business and life.

How To communicate effectively in business and in life

The skill of communicating effectively in business and life is vital in order to be successful.

Why is effective communication important?

Words are given life by the perception of others and often two people can have two differing understandings of someone's words and the meaning they wished to convey.

Communication at Work

In business, teams cannot be successful if they do not understand each other. They need to understand the expectations and the directions given to them.

As a teacher, I am on both ends of the spectrum as I need to help my students understand my communication, as well as listen to their communication.

 As a staff member, I need to practice the rules of effective communication in order to work well with others.

And the truth is that it is easier to work with some than with others as we have different personalities that can co-operate seamlessly with some staff but not necessarily with other staff. 

When I worked in a room with 2 or 3 other staff, with different levels of understanding of disabilities, it was very hard emotionally until we knew each other better and understood each other more. 

We had to communicate on a daily basis to work effectively together. I had to provide clear instructions to follow with each child. These instructions were both verbal and written and on prominent display, so there would be no misunderstanding of expectations.

I had to provide opportunities to share ideas and observations throughout the week. 

The school also spent massive amounts of money on Personal Development sessions, focussing on effective teamwork.

Understanding between teams drives results.

Understanding your customers' needs and wants drives results, if you address them with clear communication.

Communication between family and friends

This principle also is true of communication with others in your family and community also.

As a mother, you will need effective communication skills with your children while also maintaining a strong relationship as a wife.

It is only now that one of my daughters brought up a traumatic event, that had happened 30 years ago, and I  sat and listened, as she had kept some of it bottled up for many years.  Her perception is different to mine, but the important thing was to listen respectfully.

If you are having a difficult time communicating with your husband or family, then you can use some of the principles of effective communication to get the teamwork needed for a successful family relationship.

I found some people in the family difficult and chose to turn my back on them because of the stress they caused. I learnt to shut things (and people) out when they were stressful and that was my way of coping. 

Although those people were, and are, still difficult people, I now feel I could have had better relationships with them had I employed some of the tips listed below. At the end of the day, everyone wants to be liked and understood and will appreciate efforts you make in this direction.

Principles of effective communication

  • Be clear and concise
  • Be objective- it helps you stay respectful
  • Be consistent
  • Address assumptions 
  • Listen first
  • Find a time and place to talk regularly-this is important in life as well. A close friend goes to a marriage counsellor each month with her husband to talk. They don't want to divorce so they made the decision when they married that they will go regularly.
  • Ask questions
  • Be respectful-I have worked with leaders who have shut down communication as they wanted their own way on important issues that staff did not agree with, and even one junior leader who openly showed her dismay if anyone asked a question about a new directive discussed with higher-level leaders. She openly said she only wanted to tell us what to do and not answer any questions! 
  • Recognise and reinforce positive behaviour.
  • If I am leading, I like to have an agenda so there is a clear purpose for a meeting. This agenda is open to all so that they can ask questions and stay on topic. No one appreciates time-wasters who ramble on.
  • Pay attention to non-verbal body language. 

The greatest challenge is that we deal with different personality types each day. Some we find easier to work with while others are a learning experience. 

If you would like to explore the 4 main personality types that are found, the book Surrounded by Idiots by Thomas Erikson may interest you.

 Thomas Erikson dedicated himself to understanding how people function and why we often struggle to connect with certain types of people.

The aim of the book is to help readers get past the mentality of assuming we are surrounded by idiots and instead become fluent in the language of behaviour.

“As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.”       

Summary of his book, written by Thomas Erikson.

#1: Communication happens on the listener’s terms. Information is rarely received as the sender conceived it. To communicate effectively, we must adapt our style to the listeners.

#2: The four types of behaviour. The DISA model suggests there are four core types of behaviour, denoted by four colours (Red, Yellow, Green and Blue).

#3: Adapting and giving feedback to different behaviour types. Reds want direct, respectful communication and space to lead. Yellows want friendly communication and space to innovate. Greens want slow change, recognition and space to recharge. Blues want accurate detail and a focus on facts.

#4: Complementary and challenging combinations. The most challenging combinations are the behavioural opposites (Blue & Yellow and Red & Green).

#5: Stress factors and response of behaviour types. Each behaviour type has different stress triggers and handles stress differently.

You can have a look at  Surrounded By Idiots by clicking on the image.

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How do you build a long term sustainable business?

 How do you build a long-term sustainable business?

Learn how to build a long term sustainable business

What strategy will build a long-term business?

Do you want to keep promoting random products?

Each time you make a sale, you have to start again?

Affiliate marketing can feel like chasing your tail if you are promoting for small commissions and not having access to subscriber emails.
Or you can do it the smart way.

The key to being successful is doing things the right way from the start

How to build a long-term sustainable business from the start with affiliate marketing.

Yes, you need to do it the right way from the start.

1. Pick a niche.

Proven niches are wealth, health, and relationships.

The narrower you niche down, the better chances of success as you provide value to a very targeted audience. 

The audience will stay with you longer compared to someone who promotes unrelated products in the same overall niche.

I  recommend the wealth niche as it has a great variety of sub-niches and tools that you can promote.

But, in the end, it will depend on your interests too. 

2. Become an affiliate of multiple related programs.

* The trick is to find a handful of products that go together so when a customer buys one product, it makes sense that he buys all the related products that go with it.

Think of buying a car -  you know you will need recurring products like petrol and tyres with this purchase. 

You will also be more successful if you build your business with related products that recur monthly. 

Most people starting an online business do not have this knowledge of tools and software that are related and sell well. 

That's why the people who eventually become successful online, have partnered with a strong mentor who has a proven track record in online marketing. 

Partnering is different from just training with a mentor.

When you partner with a successful entrepreneur, they give you the opportunity to earn while you are training with them. 

The only way to build a profitable, sustainable business with consistent income is to build it the right way from the start.

It's the way to develop cohesiveness within your business structure.

Then you can enjoy the regular passive monthly recurring income and stop chasing your tail promoting one-off products. 

So promote things that work together to create the end goal that your users have.

It is so much easier to make multiple sales this way, and therefore this translates into more money. 

That is why we create affiliate stacks wherein we stack multiple products within those niches and customers go through the stacks, giving them opportunities to buy products at various prices. 

In conclusion:

Promote things that work together and are needed by your clients.

Find out what products are needed by clients in your niche and are likely to be recurring monthly.

And find products that pay high commissions so it is worth your time and energy. 

That's how it's done the right way.


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The Easiest Way To Make Money With Amazon

The easiest way to make money with Amazon

The easiest way to make money on amazon-avoid the pitfalls and do what successful marketers do

Did you know the easiest way to make money on Amazon?

I'm actually going to tell you how you can make money by leveraging Amazon and its amazing traffic rather than directing you to be an independent supplier and shopowner on Amazon.

There are those who do make good money with FBA, dropshipping, print on demand products, and other methods connected to Amazon.

But the reality is that Amazon is really a logistical nightmare for a newbie.

 If I can show you how you can make the same profits as a storeowner but without the headaches of looking for and adding new products, dropshipping tasks, monthly costs, taking money, customer service, deliveries, price wars, refunds, long hours, you may like to continue reading this post.

There is a lot of organisation involved in building a store on Amazon and, for most people, there is not a lot of money to be made.

 For instance, you may be required to buy in bulk to satisfy customers' orders promptly and have good reviews. 

What happens to the bulk products that you don't sell?

Competition is fierce. How many people are buying and selling there?

You will find that those who are very successful ie. the 'big boys' on Amazon, can afford to sell at better rates and will drown you out of the scene. 

This is an actual fact! They will lose money in the short term to kill any competition.

You do have to spend a lot of money on Amazon to make money on Amazon.

If your average profit market is 10%, the following example will guide you to your expected profits:

-If you sell $37,000 worth of products, you will get a $3,700 profit after spending $33,000 on your store and related costs. 

-So, if you want to make $1,000 a month, you will have to spend $10,000.

After 10 months, you will make 10,000 and then you need to reinvest some of that profit for the next month.

To make it big on Amazon, you need a big cash flow for 6-9 months before you actually get cash flow and profit. 

So it can take many months to turn any profit and then it needs to be reinvested. 

Consistent good reviews and management of your business may get you to the top when Amazon shows your products to customers in their searches.

 Otherwise, you may end up hundreds, if not thousands, of pages down the line. 

But it takes a lot of work and marketing strategies and advertising to get enough customers to see your products if you are relying on Amazon alone to show your products or store. 

I toyed with the idea of a shop for a very long time and did training in dropshipping, print on demand products and with other marketers, as well.

I found that there were too many negatives.

A good way to make a profit on Amazon was to get cheap products from suppliers, listed in dropshipping directories and put a large profit margin on these products. 

I had to contact the suppliers but found out that if I did not have huge orders, then a competitor on Amazon only had to ring the supplier who then mysteriously could not provide you with the desired product. 

I also did the right thing and ordered many products for myself that looked great in photos but were very poor quality.

So that ruled out using these suppliers for dropshipping or an Amazon store.

How and why can you still benefit from Amazon without having your own store?

There is a better way to make a profit on Amazon.

It's using the Affiliate Model. 

The affiliate sends traffic and customers to existing stores and then the vendor pays you usually around 10% for your service. 

You don't have to buy any products, ship orders, collect money, do refunds........ and spend endless hours working on your store. 

The logistical stuff- what if you're stuck with many unsold products?

It just makes more sense to become an affiliate.

There are 

-fewer headaches

-no upfront fees

-no aggressive competition with the big money boys freezing you out

-no left-over stock

-you get the same commission as their profit margin
-no long hours looking for products, ordering, creating products, customer service, shipping, refunds.

I went to the affiliate model but found there was a better, more sustainable way to do it to grow a successful business. 

I have read negative reviews on Affiliate Marketing.

I now understand their pain as they were chasing their tails doing it the wrong way.

There is a right way to do it but it's not intuitive. 

It comes from learning, doing training, listening to others who have a proven strategy for building a business online. 

I learnt that the best way to be successful with affiliate marketing is to follow those who have been successful in this type of online marketing.

They have learnt from their mistakes and have proven strategies to build a successful affiliate business.

They have not become highly successful by promoting random products for 7-10%. 

It really depends on your goals and how big you want to grow. 

If you are an affiliate marketer promoting some products in your niche and only looking for a side hustle for smaller commissions, then that's fine- your goals define what you will do in the long run.

Find products that complement each other.

If you do it the right way, people will buy from you because it just makes sense to buy the products you are promoting. 

They (the products) are connected and support each other.

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Exclusive e-book by GetResponse and Joanna Wiebe Responsive Landing Page Templates Goal-oriented email templates Conversion funnels - ultimate selling machine

New Trends to Grow Your Email Lists


How to get your emails and newletters opened (newest trends)

Do you want to know how to get your emails and newsletters opened?

Copywriting expert Joanna Wiebe shows you how to get your emails and newsletters opened so that your online business can grow faster.

Most people check their emails throughout the day and the last thing at night.

Email is not at the mercy of social media site algorithms so it is important to nurture your subscribers.

But, firstly, you must know how to get them to open your emails- and keep on opening them in the future.

What are successful strategies in email marketing?

Find out the latest trends to help you grow your list and get your online business running quickly.

Joanna shares the 'tricks of the trade' with you-those important things that copywriters do every day for their client's business to help the business grow.

Get your free e-book download here. 


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